The MHCRC commissioned Pacific Research & Evaluation (PRE) to undertake a review of program impacts for our Community Technology Grants Program. PRE looked at 41 grant-funded projects awarded between the years 2014 to 2018.

In terms of Program Impacts, the review found that:

  • $3.5million awarded in grant funds
  • $13million matched by grantees.
  • Approximately 90% of the grantees fully met stated project goals, indicating projects were successful.
  • 92% of grantees identified that their project would be sustained past the funding term.
  • 2/3 of grantee projects served Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).

Read the MHCRC Community Technology Grants Program Review Executive Summary.

Interested in reading the full report? Download a copy of the MHCRC Community Technology Grants Impact Report.

Previous Reviews: The MHCRC commissioned Hi-Beam Consulting to evaluate the effectiveness of its grant program and to provide information that will guide the MHCRC in charting the program’s future course. The evaluation, which was conducted from May through September of 2003, included twenty-five projects funded from 1999-2003.

Some highlights from the report include:

  • 76% of all grant awards resulted in educational benefits for students, teachers, parents and schools.
  • 32% of all grant awards benefited governmental agencies, which in turn also provided more efficient and cost effective services for the general public.
  • 16% of all grant awards served ethnically diverse communities or citizens with special needs. Nearly half the grantees reported their grant awards served as a catalyst for formation of new partnerships and the ability to attract new funding.

Read the 2003 Evaluation Summary Report (.pdf)