Gresham-Barlow School District

Embedding Technology in Middle School Math
Grant: $706,788
Total Project: $1,6654,556

In alignment with the district focus on providing effective, high quality instruction in K-12 mathematics, the purpose of the Embedding Technology in Middle School Math project is to provide intensive and targeted support for increasing student achievement in mathematics. The project will specifically target math achievement of 8th grande students and the math credit attainment of students in 9th grade the following year.

Read the GBSD Embedding Technology in Middle School Math project plan.

K-3 Technology Integration Project Grant: $1,369,326 Total Project: $2,816,858

The Gresham-Barlow School District will provide teacher professional learning paired with technology in two of the district’s elementary schools – Kelly Creek Elementary School and North Gresham Elementary School – through a grant from the MHCRC under its TechSMART Initiative for Student Success. The K-3 Technology Integration Project focused on technology-rich resources needed to explore and discover high quality and effective instruction to support the literacy needs of all students. The District and schools plan to document their knowledge and learnings in order to scale successes with other District schools.

Read the Gresham-Barlow K-3 Technology Integration Project Plan.

Presentation of "big check" to school district
May 2016: The Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission presented the Gresham-Barlow School Board and staff with a nearly $1.7 million check to support its K-3 Technology Integration Project.

Funds for the TechSmart Initiative derive from the cable services franchises negotiated by the MHCRC with Comcast, Frontier, CenturyLink and Reliance Connects. The cable companies pay three percent of their gross revenues for video services in Multnomah County to support community uses of cable system technology, including funding for the MHCRC’s Community Grants program. Cable companies enter into franchise agreements in order to use the public right of way for their business purposes.